Corporate and Team Coaching
Do you want more trust, collaboration, creativity, innovation, capacity to embrace and align across diverse perspectives?
In our corporate and team coaching engagements, we guide successful leaders, cutting-edge organizations, and their teams through times of dynamic, often radical, change and growth.
We coach select teams whose leadership wants to embrace the fundamental tenets of: integrity; purpose; feedback and accountability; support; ease and flow; and celebration.
We hope to attract committed leaders determined to align their executive teams and elevate their organizations.
We integrate discussions of team effectiveness with core business issues, helping teams avoid politics and confusion, make higher quality decisions and retain top talent.
Our advisory approach is customized to fit the specific needs of each client and is designed to not only aid teams that may be struggling but also help well functioning groups become high performing teams.
Using experiential and interactive exercises introduced in offsite settings, we guide leaders and teams open new gateways by helping them identify the patterns beneath the surface that block performance and untapped potential to catalyze creativity, innovation and growth. By introducing and practicing new tools, we breakthrough the old patterns and replace them with the team’s new playbook anchored for sustained results.
We work best with teams that are prepared to provide the leadership for fundamental change. Each engagement is tailor-made, with its own set of issues and objectives.
Team Alignment
We believe the essence of a world-class leadership team is trust – marked by an absence of politics, unnecessary anxiety, and wasted energy. To create the healthy and safe environment for building trust, we guide leaders to open up to and share their truth using our proprietary coaching model.
If you are interested in learning more, please connect with us today!