Executive and Leadership Coaching
Do you want more growth, fulfillment, meaning, passion, joy, sense of purpose, connection, support?
That’s where we come in …
Most leaders we work with are simply, looking for more. They are either dealing with a challenge or issue that has them feeling stuck or an opportunity that they are struggling to manifest. Either way, there’s a gap between where they are today and where they want to be. And it can be in any domain of their lives: work, family, marriage, personal growth, spiritual journey – it doesn’t matter.
The gap is frustrating and mind numbing. The gap can create hopelessness.
We will help you …
We use your current situation as the gateway for learning and growth. We will uncover the root causes, help to process the options and requirements to move forward and facilitate clarity for the decisions needed.
Breakthroughs are coming!
The Process
Face Time + Weekly Coaching Calls = Success
We always begin with 1½ day Personal Intensive Retreat (PIR) where we get to know you on a deeper level and design a specific direction for our work together. When complete, we will understand your core beliefs, patterns, behaviors and dilemmas that create blocks to what you want. We then customize a coaching program with specific goals, objectives, and actions that we will implement and integrate over the next 6 months to 1 year.
The weekly 30 – to 60-minutes calls give us continuity to see the on-going patterns and dilemmas that show up in your life. We will provide guidance on a weekly basis as well as accountability support for actions. We will also leverage these calls to inform direction for the next PIR, which is typically on a quarterly basis.
If you are interested in learning more, please connect with us today!