by Shift_Admin | Dec 22, 2017
A prospective client recently asked me if there is a common thread in our coaching practice working with leaders. My simple response – ‘Communication. People want to connect at a deeper level to get through to another person or member of a team, and they come to...
by Shift_Admin | Nov 22, 2017
“Trust” typically ranks at the top among key attributes of highly performing teams. To help assess the level of trust within the team, I run an exercise that I call ‘trust continuum’ – I invite each team member to take turns standing in a place along a straight...
by Shift_Admin | Oct 22, 2017
You may react to this title as though it is an oxymoron. How can that be true? Vulnerable and Powerful? Not possible, at least if you operate from a traditional set of management operating beliefs. But, there is a limit of how far my power will take me when I lead...
by Shift_Admin | Sep 22, 2017
Chaos within a management team is inevitable. We define chaos as anything that takes the team out of its comfort zone. Usually when a team or individual senses that there is “chaos ahead”, they try to avoid or minimize the issue. This is completely natural!! Who WANTS...
by Shift_Admin | Aug 22, 2017
Chaos is difficult and scary – and easy to avoid. That’s why many of us choose not to confront someone with our truth. Even when I know that my truth is just my set of beliefs, opinions and perspective, it can come off as a biting, confrontational attack that...
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